dear boys..... you confuse me!

heeey beautiful people :)
im having some boy trouble atm. gaaah they confuse me soooo much :L what would you say to a girl if you liked her?? cause i need to figure this thing out! its driving me crazy.
sooo lemme tell you some info,
we used to talk all the time. he called me beautiful, amazing and things like that. he said i meant alot to him. he said 'all i know is that im close to you, my heart decided to be close to you'. we kissed, alot, on new years. then a bit a few days later... but he said the kisses was just between friends. he also said he'd thought of kissing me before. but then i had to screw it up with being insecure(i have anxiety an depression) an i kept saying stuff like 'you dont want me' and stuff. gaaah. but he kept saying stuff like he'd go out with me if i was a little older plus he'd just came out of a year relationship. then we stopped talking for a couple of days cause i was really down, i didnt leave the house. so a week later i finally get out with friends(including him) an he's all cuddling one of my bestfriends. they was acting like we normally did. an apparently the've been going golfing or somthing together. then he didnt really talk to me, an when he smiled at me it looked kinda fake. then i found out yesterday that he might be getting together with my bestfriend but they were staying friends for awhile an keeping it secret cause they knew i liked him. but i managed to get it outta my friend. sooo yeah that mostly everything. but i guess ill just have to get over him :) guyss confuse the living hell outta me! hahaa :L

well thats my problem. boys. :L help???
oh well, bye beautiful peoples :D
January 19th, 2011 at 10:27am