First Guitar Lesson

SO i had my first guitar lesson on Wednesday and i was honestly expecting the guy to be a total creep.

He was actually some guy who looked like a frat boy with ear length blond hair and chunky glasses. He had weird posters of fantasy girls and had an Asian wife. It's just soooooo weird.

Otherwise he was patient and calm (thank god). I've heard too many stories from my friends about terribly mean music teachers.

I didn't learn much about the chords because i pretty much taught myself all there is but he helped me with finger picking. And i forgot my homework. Oops :P.

Also, apparently just as i came to the lesson he said he had just finished jamming with his friend. 0.0

I just hope it all works out with this... guy.


1. Can i trust Mibba enough to post a story without someone stealing it?
2. Who doesn't like potatoes?
3. Why do girls say they're ugly in the photos THEY upload?
4. What instrument do you play?
January 20th, 2011 at 01:44pm