I'm going to rant about how much I dislike my boyfriend's dad and my new obsession with health food

Hi, how'ya doin'? It's me again. I'm here to complain and talk about stuff that I love even though nobody cares! I really hope at least one insightful adult will read this and give me some advice(please, please, please?).

Okay, the first thing I want to say is; I really dislike my boyfriend, Brandon's Dad. He is making him stay with him every weekend, which means Brandon won't get to go to church on Sunday and I won't ever see him. Brandon absolutely abhors his father and I don't blame him. His father cheated on his mom and has been drunk around him so many times it's ridiculous.
I wanted to know if legally he can resist his father and not stay with him. Doesn't a child over 16 have the right to choose one parent over the other?
Okay second thing I want to say is; I am a heath food freak. I just started 2 weeks ago. I love it. I feel so GOOD! I have so[i/] much more energy than I used to have and I've lost 6 pounds. It feels good to eat healthy. I don't even care that I haven't eaten meat since monday, when I had 2 eggs.

Thanks for reading today! :D

January 20th, 2011 at 06:24pm