So, I wanna dye my hair red.

I know, I know. Red? Kind of cliche :/
Not, like, a brilliant cherry coloured red, more a crimson-y colour. 'Cos I think that would be cool.


I had two dreams last night, if you don't mind me raving about them.

Dream One
I woke up at some-point to find all these people in my house. I'm not too sure what they were doing there but after some hiding, they eventually found me and took me into my backyard.
The next thing I remember is this guy trying to kill me. He was shooting me and knifing me, but I just wouldn't die, 'cos apparently he was using the wrong bullets and his knife was blunt [?????]. So then there was this girl who I'm assuming was the one who wanted me dead, and she started freaking out 'cos my Dad was coming home. So they sped up, but I still wasn't dieing. Everything hurt, it was like it was actually happening.
So my dad comes in, and these strangers had fled, and Dad started freaking out and what-not, and then he called Mum and then he took me into our laundry [?!?!?!] and discussed with Mum what the best option would be. And so, he took out a gun and shot me, and this time it worked.
And the rest of the dream was me being a ghost. It was pretty wacked.

Dream Two
I was at my Cousins house, which wasn't actually their house that they have in reality, but it was somewhere in the country, and there were all these foster kids, like, twenty of them. And I was sharing a room with one of the girls. She was nineteen, and really attractive. So, at night, we'd kind of, do stuff in our room together.
In the end, I spoke to my Aunt and Uncle about it (they already knew about Kate being lesbian) and they suggested I tell my parents. So we invited them for a barbeque and I came out to my Dad, 'cos my mum already knew. That was interesting...
The dream ended with my Dad in tears, and my Mum threatening to divorce him, and Kate holding my hand... It basically ended in Chaos.

So would the second dream be a possibly good story??

So anyways. I'm a bit messed-up in the head.
January 21st, 2011 at 08:18am