Day One:Whats on my mind..


Well so far my day has gone without trouble,so i'm satisfied.I've been listening to a lot of music to help me think and maybe give me a few ideas.I'm listening to bands like Coldplay,The Fray,Green Day,Pink Floyd and Skillet.I hope theres no school today (me and a few thousand others).Lately i've been sad and depressed because my girlfriend has'nt been herself lately,until about wednesday,then she acted normally again.It worried me though,I constantly think about if that will happen again.
Another thing on my mind is bowling,I have been bowling for about five years now.My avg. is around the 145-150 range.My best game is a 234 and best series is a 562.I have always felt different while bowling compared to how I usually feel.I'm gonna attempt a poem on bowling.....
January 21st, 2011 at 09:28am