other stories on other websites...

I have just now completely realized that i'm addicted to writing websites... i have a booksie and and quizilla account too.... I've only been on booksie for not even a month yet. Quizilla i've been on for 2 years... (frankly, they r both boring me to death which is why i got a mibba) but anyway... since i won't be putting anything on here i decided to give u a link to both my profiles so you can check out some of my other work. Quizilla by the way, all the things on there suck butt and i haven't really put anything good on there, but if you want you can still check it out :)





Well, there you go, that's some of my stuff, you can check it out or not... So, yeah....

January 21st, 2011 at 09:06pm