Twilight really doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.

And I know I'm opening myself up to a lot of negativity by stating that. However, it's something I believe. Yes, Twilight isn't that great a book. Yes, Robert Pattinson was an awful decision for Edward. (But the movie really shouldn't have anything to do with the book. Stephanie Meyer had very limited creative control there.)

But it's not painfully awful, either. It's a cute light read. I will fully admit that I own a book or two, and that if I'm bored and it catches my eye, it stands a decent chance of me picking it up and reading it.

It's no Harry Potter( I have to admit, I'm a HP fan), but Stephanie Meyer still did the one thing I think fantasy books should do. She created a whole new world. A world that continues past the books. Maybe you don't like that world. Maybe you think it's stupid, and ruins vampires. But you can't deny that she created it.

I feel like hating Twilight is a fad thing, and I'm willing to bet that a fair amount of the haters were lined up to buy Breaking Dawn a few years ago, back when it was 'in'. They just don't want to admit having anything but deep negativity towards it, in fear of getting told they have horrible taste in books, they're uncool, etc. Yes, that's not all of them, and yes, maybe you just grew out of it. There's no need to hate on it unnecessarily, though. It doesn't make you sophisticated, cool, or any of that stuff. Also, Being apathetic- not caring either way- is also an opinion. And not having that deep negativitb doesn't make you an awful reader, or someone with awful taste. It really doesn't reflect upon you as a person. Having a bedroom full of Edward posters and obsessing over them? Yeah, then I'll judge you wholeheartedly. Reading it occasionally or not hating it? I see no reason to judge. There are always going to be people who love it, and people who hate it. But I find more and more that those people in the middle are more swayed by crowd/fad opinion than their personal opinions.

1. How do you honestly feel about Twilight? Feel free to tell me you hate it. But tell me why. And if you hate the story, do you hate the writing, or vice versa; like the story idea but hate the way it's written?
2. Do you agree, that creating a whole new world, even if it's not a world you personally enjoy, is a huge sucess for any fantasy writer?
3. Is hating Twilight a fad thing? Both for you personally, and for the masses.

I'd also like to point out that those books have sold millions of copies. So if everyone's a hater...then there must be some really really rich teenage girl with a huge Twilight hoard xD
January 22nd, 2011 at 12:06am