'Tis Rosey

Alright everyone, it's been a very long process but, Underland will be ending very soon. How many more chapters? I can't say. Why? Because I have no idea.

In other news, Brook and I have a new story coming up and we're hoping that we can get this one finished before 2012 arrives.

Sounds good eh?

Well, that's pretty much it for now. This is Rosey, signing off!

*Oops, looks like this entry needs at least 100 words before I can publish it. So here comes unnecessary words.

Finals are coming up for me. They start next Wednesday. Here's how it goes:
Monday: Studying a bunch! Might go to the Cocoa & Cram session at school. Nothing like studying for finals with friends and free hot chocolate (:
Tuesday: More studying! Then attending first Driver's Ed. class at 4pm.
Wednesday: Alterted schedule. P.E. final and Spanish final. I'm not worried at all, I just need to get under ten minutes for the mile. So far I've gone from thirteen minutes to eleven. I'm a terrible runner.
Thursday: More Studying! Alterted schedule. Oceanography final, Advanced Language Arts II final, and Video Production final. Again, not worried at all! Ad. LA 2 final is 20% of my grade, no big deal. Oceans final, no sweat. Video final, what final? All I have to do in that class is finish my video and upload it to The Dot.
Friday: Woo! Last day! Analysis final and History final. Okay, this is the day where I panic. I'm terrible at math. On the Logarithms pre-test I got a 3 out of 13. I retook it and got a 9.75. Awful! The final in Analysis will be the test determining if I will recieve the college credit for the class. After that I'm auditing the class and enjoying the ride for the rest of the year. As for History, my history teacher is amazing. He doesn't believe that one gigantic test over everything we learned that semester should dominate our semester grade. So most likely we'll be watching a movie (history movie). Probably about Communism, or if he's in a good mood we'll watch something about the media from the 20s to 80s.

So yeah, that should be well over 100 words.
For real, I'm signing off!
January 22nd, 2011 at 02:27am