Ignorant Fathers

So, more or so...I'm ashamed of my father. And I also hate him. Hate is a strong word...and that's exactly why i used it!

He's just go....ignorant and rude...and oh how i could go on! I'm just so embarssed to call him "my dad". I mean, i know that you can't choose your family or whatever...but...

Well here are some examples for you to see for yourself.

1. My older sister whose in college, "borrowed" our old family car. I say borrowed with quotation marks because we don't need it or ever use it really so it's basically hers when you think about it. Anyway, since her car sometimes won't start in the morning, she called my dad twice to drive her to school. After dropping her off, he says "Don't come crying to me when your car breaks down again!". Really...? I mean of course she's going to come crying to you because who else would she want help and support from..ER I DON'T KNOW, HER DAD? He just doesn't get it.

2. Another example, that also has to do with that same car...was when I was quite young and my sister was picking me up from school. I don't remember what happen exactly but she drove to close to one of those wood fences and part of the car's surface came off. She called my dad and he told her to deal with it on her own. That was when she was a teenager and i remember her and i being so scared. But again, who's she going to want help from? Her dad...obviously.

3. Last weekend, my brother who is nine and I both had a friend come over. My friend and I were chilling in my room and my brother was playing video games with his friend, in his room. All of sudden, you can hear him cussing from the living room. I was so embarssed. I also felt like it was so barbaric of him to start doing that when my brother and his friend are quite young.

There have been a ton more of incidents where my dad has just been...a flat out jerk. Anyone else have the same problem?
January 22nd, 2011 at 03:41am