What is a word but of another word?

What is Family besides another word?
Nothing, but forced love upon the word.
You don't really feel because they never seem to be there when you need them.
They always fall behind and are left forgotten in a world of memories that slowly fade into darkness.

What is Friends but another forced love?
We care about these people though when in the shadows, no one trusts each other.
You can do nothing, just sit and grasp on to what love is forced.
To feel as if that forced love is actually something to believe in.

What is Love but a word that proves nothing other than to break us into pieces?
It shatters us in the end.
It breaks us into new definitions that are hard to repair.
Love is nothing but a debt to be paid into a time that will be brought upon yourself in a web of mess and mistakes.

What is Happiness but a word that frauds the truth from others eyes and your own?
It brings us moments of thought, to place where we feel we actually belong.
When in truth, it only hides the pretty little lies that we share in ourselves.
From mind to heart, it's a one way train to hell that only shadows you from what you believe is the truth.

What is God?
To people they believe is the last connection to a true home, true happiness, true love, true...everything.
Others believe it's nothing, but a small excuse to believe in something can't be proven in our daily hearts.
It's something that shatters, but it's something that gives hope as well.
His name alone gives people the belief or hatred they choose to feel.

I'm in my head alone with all these decisional, opinioned, unvoiced words...

What is Death but a word to bring emotions on the border line?
To believe that someone has moved on to a better place. Free of pain, free of life on Earth. Free.
When a life moves forward from Earth to Heaven, only some of us believe they've moved to there next life.
Others feel the need to blame the holy man for his life taking power. To force people into the sadness they set FREE from the loss of a loved one. More emotion that he laid upon us that makes life harder.

What is Life? What is it for and why do we have it?
It's nothing but simplicity and confusion.
You can feel as if the world is nothing but a hoax in the hell on Earth features.
You can feel as if the world is a blessing and a path to find your way home.
Meaningful words are never expressed, but the way to express them leaves us lifeless in the end and empty.

This week has been probably the most nerve wrecking week I've ever expierinced and it's opened a lot of new emotions to me that I honestly never want to feel again. All I ever want to do now is sit in my room, stare at the wall, stop breathing, and fall into a blank sleep. To forget the world and all of it's precious gifts it has for us from God.
That would be nonsense though considering a death cause of your own would be a way of turning your back on the Holy Man.

He gave us these emotions to help us and for us to learn how to live with them. Some of us can only make it to his home while others have chains and shakles waiting for us in the bottomless pit of hell.
I wonder if it ever get's easier, but I have Family and Friends and God to tell me it doesn't. Don't give up though they say.
Well how is it I'm not suppose to give up when that's all I ever want to do anymore? I have faith, but no hope. I have belief, but no emotion to express this belief. I have sadness, but happiness strikes minutes at a time. I want love, but that's selfish to ask of a person when doubt is coaxed in your mind.

Doubt. Faith. Hope. Belief. Emotion. Sadness. Happiness. Love. Selfish. Express.
Words the human mind has no control over. It's what kills us in the end, but it never helps us to live the life we're given.
January 22nd, 2011 at 06:03am