Why is it wrong to be gay? ( questions and confessions)

Thanks to all who read these things I write :)
Your as hot as.....sacajawea ;) lol that's an inside joke
Well to figure out what " I'm a nice guy" is all about imma ask
My guitar teacher.

Now it's confession time:
I don't know who I am really ( )
I don't like stereotypes ( )
I don't get why it wrong to be gay ( )
Looks pretty hot to me ^ ( )
I'm a Raguoc which means I like mature guys ^ ( )
I have trust issues ( )
I panic constantly ( )
People scare me ( )
I'm shy ( )
I love crazy patterned over sized sweaters ( )
I love ugly brown leather shoes ( )
I like Arizona tea ( )
I don't get why it's wrong to be emo ( )
I don't know hey people cheer ( )

Check those that apply to you now it's question time

Why is it wrong to be gay?
Why is it wrong to be emo?
What is love?- never shout never
What was your best relationship?
Do you trust people?
What's your biggest fear?
January 22nd, 2011 at 08:03pm