Buddhism and Alcohol

So last time I wrote in this damn thing, I was an emo prick. Not anymore, thanks to Buddhism, Alcohol, and some events that have changed who I am. Meditation is nothing.
Zazen...now goddamn this is some difficult and boring shit.

Hm...well on to the true purpose of writing this rant. CAN PEOPLE STOP WRITING FAN-FICS?! I'm sure there are tons of sights for your A7X fan-fics, and twilight remakes. It's beyond annoying to have writers, like me, bust this ass(and mind) to think up of interesting stories and short stories and have no clue how to make them better because people are too busy reading these shitty Fan-Fics. I have an extremely low amount of readers for

1.How long i've been posting on mibba

2.How much i've been posting on mibba

and it's all because I refuse to write a fucking fan-fic. I'm sure my stories don't appeal to most, but damn, I don't think I suck this much. And if I do suck, isn't it the Mibba community's job to...you know...HELP. I can't get feedback if no one reads actual, original work.
I find that that is the curse of Mibba.

1.You don't write Fan-Fics, you're fucked.

2.You don't write love stories or slashes, you're fucked. In the ass.

3.You don't write poetry about how this guy you've dated for two weeks breaks your heart, you're fucked. In the ass. With a spikey cock.

I mean there is noway in hell i'm the only one pissed off by this. I say that we "Orig-fics/facts" should band together and start work on a masterpiece of writing. Make our stories so good, that the Fan-fics will stop or at the very least, slow the fuck down. I gurrantee you, 4 out of 5 stories on mibba are Fan-Fics.

Down with the Fan-Fucks!
Up with the Original Work!

Jack A. Young (DeLany McShane)
January 23rd, 2011 at 01:15pm