Maladaptive daydreaming disorder

Ever heard of it?

I only heard of it last night when my friend wrote a journal about it, and I looked at this website, and honestly, it freaked me out because I have all of the symptoms, even the repetitive movements (for me it's pacing and muttering under my breath). You could say it's just a wild or very active imagination, but thinking back, it's gotten pretty out of hand. Instead of doing my homework, studying, writing or reading I just daydream, which is good for a little while, but this can go on for as long as 5 or 6 hours every day.

It started when I was about 3, I had only just learned to walk because of my cerebral palsy and I had only just had my MMR jab which actually gave me a form of measles and then I got chicken pox which made me so ill I couldn't walk or talk properly. Because of this, I had no friends because I didn't know anyone aside from family and people at the hospital, so I made my own friends. I had lots, but a few really stick out in my mind: there was a girl called Nelly (no idea why she was called Nelly xD ), her talking poodle, Penelope and four little tree sprites that were called Blue, Green, Pink and Lilac. These grew from imaginary friends to full 'people' with their own lives and back stories that I fabricated, they had lots of crazy adventures together and stuff and my mum thought that I grew out of it by the time I was 6, but really, I never have. I don't have the same imaginary friends as I did when I was 3, but I still daydream obsessively. As I got older my daydreams included my friends, musicians that I liked, TV and book characters and I started daydreaming from my own POV, instead of in the third person. I still daydream in the third person, but normally it's from my own perspective.

I don't really want to tell my parents about this because I fear they'll either -

Not believe me
Get really worried about me
Take me to a therapist or doctor

Because even though I do waste my time daydreaming, and I guess it is a little destructive with me not doing my homework and not always listening in class but it's good too, because I get ideas for my stories and it's enjoyable and helps when I'm stressed or worried about things.

So... can anyone give me any help/guidance about this?

Unneeded intricacy
January 23rd, 2011 at 05:05pm