Sweet Sixteen;

So um yeah, Today is my birthday for starters. I'm finally 16 and honestly I thought I would be excited but I'm not that excited. Maybe it's the fact I'm up early, cause I'm not a morning person. Also I don't know what to write but I'm not on here as much as I used too I'm thinking of making my own show on youtube with my sister like figure. Hopefully that goes into effect soon. OH OH OH! I almost forgot I learned how to make a shark on face book IM messagenger that was great. I'm just rambling cause I don't know what song to listen to that will get me excited. suggestions would be good (:

I hope everyone has a good day today and I'm leaving to finish getting ready to go to school (:

xoxo and lots of smiles,

January 24th, 2011 at 12:08pm