How To Train Your Editor

Greetings, Mibbans

My name DrunkPurpleHedgehog, although you can abbreviate that to DPH {I know it’s pretty long} or just call me Grace, either is fine. As you can probably tell from my profile, I am 17 years old and I am from the UK. I like reading, writing, role-playing, anime and manga. I dislike rude people, Mary-Sues, bad fanfiction and especially those who call themselves writers and yet make no effort to present their works nicely, with decent plot and characterization.

Now, I understand it can be hard when you’re new to the writing scene. Heck, I was just like that a few years ago, and I’m still addicted to making Original Characters that could probably be considered Mary-Sues for my favourite anime, manga, books, etc. I also make typos and spelling mistakes on a regular basis {who doesn’t?} but for me, it just seems that some people really don’t care about improving or correcting the mistakes they’ve made or they just don’t know how to improve. And that’s why; I’ve decided to introduce myself using this journal.

I know this may sound pretentious, but I feel I can help some people with their writing. Yet despite my age and despite the fact that I also have a long way to go, I want to extend my help to those who feel they need help from... Well, anyone, really.

This is why I’ve decided to become an amateur internet editor.

How it works is I have too packages; the Light Edit Package and the Heavy Edit Package. Don’t ask me why they’re called packages... I’ll think up a less commercial sounding name later.

The Light Edit Package
- The editing of small grammatical and spelling mistakes, with no change to plot, atmosphere or characters in any way. Work will also be edited if it appears jumbled or confused to be presented in a fashion that is more aesthetically pleasing and easier to read.
- Criticism will be given only if it is requested and only about specified topics.

The Heavy Edit Package
- This is basically the same for the Light Edit Package, as plot, atmosphere, dialogue or characters will not be changed, merely mistakes and jumbled works.
- However, criticism will be given, covering all aspects that I feel need to be improved or gotten rid of. Also, if you’ve reached a block, you can ask me for advice on where to go next in order to achieve your desired reaction, or lead the story in a realistic manner towards a certain conclusion.

I know this may all sound like my ego is the size of a blue whale, and indeed it may be above the norm, but that is because I like to take pride in my writing by presenting it to the best of its ability, and I wish it upon others that they do the same. So, if you feel your presentation, grammar, characters or storyline isn’t up to scratch, you can simply request I go through it and polish those ragged edges, you can.

I promise I won’t bite... Much.

Foolishly yours,

January 24th, 2011 at 01:20pm