# 1.- Introduce yourself.

-Pictures can be found in gallery. ; <3

I'm Jenna, and I'm sixteen years old as of January 6th. I was born and raised in a small town in Pennsylvania, where people everyone is a walking cliche and finding someone who follows their dreams is almost unheard of. I don't fit in with any stereotype, and sometimes I believe my highschool years might be alot easier if I did. Because I don't form myself to other people's liking, I would say that I don't speak to alot of people at my school. They all have the wrong impression of me, and the people who I've hung out with after school have even told me that they thought I was a 'nerd' before they actually spent the time to understand me. I'm very judgemental, and I don't often hesitate to voice my opinion. I'm also brutally honest, and you can expect me to tell you the truth, even if it's not something you want to hear. Ever since I was in elementary school, people have been speaking of this potential that I bear, and how I'm going to be somebody when I grow up, and it bothers me. I've been living in the future my whole life, and recently I have made the decision to stop worrying about the consquences to my actions all the time. You have one life, and once chance to live it, so why risk your happiness on being politically correct. Fuck rules. I wish I could be myself around everyone, and be one of those people who everyone likes, regardless but that's just not how it works.
I live with a mother who expects nothing short of perfection, and thinks that i'm going to have a great career, with two kids and live in the suburbs. At one point in time, that is what I wanted. I wanted that, because I never had the perfect family or a life even close to satisfactory. But now, I realize I just want to be happy. And noone is going to stop me from doing that. Noone. My mother also doesn't know that I'm pansexual, and I basically haven't told anyone but like.. one of my friends. The people who I live around are so close minded, that they believe that you couldn't possibly fall inlove with someone of the same gender, because the only thing that matters is that we're two girls. Well, I believe that love is something so much more than that, so much deeper than superficial shit. I'm so hard to please, and even harder to handle. I have waaaay too many pet-peeves and dislikes to be happy with any situation. Very few things actually make me happy, and I try to hold onto those things as much as humanly possible. All in all, I'm just me. I know that saying is so overused, but believe me; you'll never find someone who's quite like me.
January 24th, 2011 at 09:21pm