
I'm a dancer. As a matter of fact, I'm going to the dance studio in about half an hour.
I know one girl who said that dancers are all sluts. Honestly, i felt like bashing in her head. But i didn't, because i like to keep it f**king classy.
But anyways, she was going on saying that dancers act like they're all high and mighty, when the really have no talent, blah blah blah.
The truth is, The dance world is very demanding. As dancers, we're pressured into being a certain weight, sometimes height, we have to be flexible,and we have to work hard. It't not always super easy.
I mean, sure, anyone can be a dancer if they work hard and practice, but it's not an easy thing to do. And i was very upset that this girl had the audacity to say something like that.
Anyways, i'm going to stop ranting now.
January 24th, 2011 at 11:44pm