oh. my. god. seriously, im not the type who is boy crazed or sensitive with all the things related to the L word but recently, being affected by the stupid teenage hormoned that god has bestowed onto us (i think he's pranking the teen race) i am most definately bound to take notice of the beautifully structured male population. The thing that kills me though is that i have taken interest in an older dude.(senior) and it's terrible because of our age differences. Along with my potentially hopeless crush that intensifies everyday, i am getting hit on constantly by one of my best friends from childhood who i recently reunited with. Now i havnt seen him in awhile but he got ahold of my number and so i reduced to turning my phone to silent. I informed him of the feelings i have are that of friendship but he persists. Also my Junior High friend who still has a crush on me keeps asking me out when i have informed him aswell. Though he really is a great friend and we do chill sometimes. im a person who really dosnt care about what people think about her and I'm all chill and all but the whole guy situation coonfuses me. not to mention that i have no lovey dovey experianced (never been kissed, punched a guy that slapped my ass) which is funny because i'm mellow person with random, uncontrolable anger outbursts. so i dont really know how to handle myself in this guy situation but i can in everything else. some girls are experts with guys. am i wired differently? Help? advice?
January 25th, 2011 at 01:09am