I figured, since this is such an important birthday, that I ought to tell my readers about it.


I am officially old enough to get drafted, vote, drive, and smoke, but not get drunk.


Eh, I'll live.

I will be enjoying my time rewriting 'The Pacifier: Chronicles of Cece'. Only after posting it did I realize I could do better, and the next version will be in 1st Person. Until then, I will keep the old version up.

Don't be too rough with me about updating and all that, I've just finished Midterms and started two new semester classes, Economics and World Religions.

I'll be lucky if I don't get a headache...

When the new version goes up, once it has four chapters, it'll go up much slower than the one up now. Some stories are best served slowly.

^^Hopefully, you'll all like it.^^
January 25th, 2011 at 03:59am