Random questions at 3am

Do you want to marry? your boyfriend/girlfriend???
Well at the moment, I don't have a boyfriend...so no

When is the last time you were in a photo?booth? taking pictures with friends??
I can honestly say I have never done that

Who'?s the last person you had a sleep?over with??
My bestest pallie :D

Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoid?ed seeing them??
Hmm yeah.

On average,? what do you think? you cry about? the most??
Parental problems.

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can tell every?thing? to?
I used to....but we don't see much of each other anymore :(

Does it matte?r to you if your boyfriend/?girlfriend? smoke?s??

Do you think? you have made a difference? in anyone'?s life??
I don't know...not really.

Which? of your friends is the easiest to talk to?
Hmmmm all of them...but about different things.

What'?s going? on between you and the last person you kissed??
nothing....it was a drunken night

Are you going? anywhere next summer??
Germany, Nigeria :D

Are you waiting for anyone to call right? now?
Hahaha no, it's 3 am, I would be surprised if someone did.

Are you shy?

Are you talkative??
Hmmm not at first, but once you get to know me I do talk a bit more

Do you announce when you have to pee?
Yes :D

Who was the last person you cried? in front? of?
My flatmate

Are you good at hiding your feelings??
Errr, no its sometimes written all over my face

How is life going? for you right? now?
It's going good I think :)

Do you trust? people easily??
Not really, especially potential love interests, there's always the niggling feeling that they might just be like the rest of them :S

Do you give out second? chances easily??
Hmmm no, if someone crosses the line with me, they might as well be dead to me to be honest.

Do you smile? a lot?
In general no, people tell me I look serious all the time :| I will try and smile more :D

One thing? you'?re looking forward to?

How do you feel about? change??
Change makes everything exciting.

Have you ever cried? from being? so mad?

Do you get the recommended eight? hours? of sleep? each night???
Nope, I'm a student :P

Are you ticklish??
Yup yup

Last time you had butterflies?
With my last boyfriend....

How is your mood today?
Tired, but I just can't sleep!

Do you like seafood?
I tend to stay away from seafood, I'm not a big fan

Mints or chewing gum?
Mints :D

What do you do all the time in a car?
Drive around and panic haha.

Do you like to read?
I do indeed :)

Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?

Who was the last person to make you cry?
My parents

What is one thing you miss about your past?
When it didn't feel so crap if you didn't have a love life...

What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you dated?
5 years...online...

When was the last time you cried?
3 weeks ago

Do you ever use your full name?
Yeah when filling out forms, its really annoying

What is one thing you've learned about life?
Boys will hurt you :P

What was the last movie you watched?
The King's Speech, what an excellent movie

Is anyone jealous of you?
No, if they did, they'd be stupid.

Has a friend ever used you?

Who was the last person you drove with?
My instructor

What is something that you want to do within the next week?
Have a good time :D

Who was the last person you hugged?
Bestest pallie

Do you use post-its?

Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
More girls...

Have you ever made out with someone you weren't dating?:
Yeah regrettably

Is there a difference between the word 'best friend' and 'friend'?:
Yeah but I can't really explain it....a best friend is more loyal?

Do you care what people think of you?
Yeah, because most of the time people think I'm a complete weirdo :D

Is silence really golden?
Indeed it is.
January 25th, 2011 at 04:39am