Just because we said your name, doesn't mean we're talking about you. (MGG STORY/QUESTIONS)

Hey there, how's it going? I believe it's time for another exciting look into my life.
I decided that I wanted to curl my hair today. First time in forever, seriously. No lie. There are no liars around here. Okay well maybe sometimes.

Last night ma mere and I had a heart-to-heart. It was pretty cool. I've very blessed to have a mother like her. The ex-boyfriend thing, if you read my journals, didn't work out. I don't really care though. It's weird because usually someone does care when they say they don't but I honestly couldn't care less.

I am really tired. I need sleep. The bags under my eyes are almost embarassing. And my consealer is not working. GAH, SCREW YOU CLAIROL.

ANYWHO, I sound like I'm rambling right now, but I'm just hyper.

If you read this to see about the MGG thing (considering you know who it is) You should go check it out. It's called 'She just calls me when she gets lonely.'
And even if you don't know who he is, which I hope you will when you see the picture, he's good looking so you should just go anyways and check it out.

1. How are you today?
2. Do you have a close relationship with your mother/father/parental figure?
3. Have you ever gotten back together with an ex?
4. If so, what happened?
5. Do you love popsicles?
6. What's your favorite color?
7. Do you watch Criminal Minds?
January 25th, 2011 at 04:16pm