Isn't it awesome when a guy can come out on facebook...

...and within less than an hour his status has 43 likes, some of which came from other boys?

But yeah, I don't know if I spilled this on Mibba or not, but I have committed the ultimate sin, I CREATED A FACEBOOK!

Oh god! And no, I'm not going to friend you. We can be Mibba friends, but that's it, Harley likes personal things to stay personal- AND WHY IS MY SPACEBAR BEING STUPID? This is like the 15th time in just this paragraph that I've had to go back and hit the spacebar a second time between two words!


But yeah, so a good friend of mine came out on facebook and I thought it was so absolutely kick ass and amazing that already so many people accept and admire the fact that he had the balls to do that, that I just HAD to journal about it. And I know of course he's not the only one who's ever done that, but I just think it's fantastic.

So yeah... I keep making these short journals as of late, it's getting on my nerves. You know what else? I used to get tons of comments on my journals when I posted everyday, but then I stopped for a week or so and so did the comments. I feel bad, like I've lost my touch. My journaling isn't interesting enough to comment anymore. CURSES! I'M SORRY MIBBIANS! I LOVE YOU!

Love always,

I can't think of a witty closing remark :/
Maybe that's why people stopped commenting? I'm not witty enough anymore. CURSES!
January 25th, 2011 at 10:25pm