Dropping On The Ground

Don't know what to say right now.

I think I'm starting over this whole Mibba thing.

I got pretty far, then I started to suck at it so I gave up.

I was gone.

I did a lot of things in that time I don't think I would have done if I was doing mibba still.

Which is ironic if you...

Never mind.

Point is. Well there is no point other than the whole starting over thing. So yes.
There is that.

Also there is a ninja in my tummy. His name is Ulcer and he likes to cut up my belly with his knives. Dad said it had to do with anxiety. Didn't tell my mom. Not going to.

So. Ninja sucks.

Life sucks a little.

I mean the only thing I have to look forward to about the future, is the fact that I am having one at all.

I have lived in the same house, in the same town, in the same state, my entire life. And I have no idea of the name of the women who gave birth to me.

That brings a person down doesn't it?

I don't think anyone likes me. But I know that that's a lie. And my head hurts. And my face hurts. (hah) and I am empty and borken and full of something that there are no words for.

Shit. I want to die.

But I don't.
January 26th, 2011 at 02:03am