Stupid *headdesk* Life 1/26/11

So....yeah. Life.
It sucks.

Trying to find a business school to go to in the fall.
Trying to find freaking job that isn't at a fast food joint. (NOT happening. I finally broke down and applied to the local Burger King)

*head shaking*

Not that working at a fast food joint is bad.
I don't know.
I just really didn't want to work in the food industry.
But right now I REALLY, REALLY need a job.
I need to pay for insurance if I want to be able to use my mom's van for much longer.
And a car of my own would be nice also.
And School stuff too.

And yes I have applied EVERYWHERE! Nothing has come up.
It also doesn't help that I haven't worked anywhere before. EVER.
Not even a summer job. My dad wouldn't let me........

I guess I just needed to vent some. I feel a bit better.

Comments? Questions? Past experiences?
January 26th, 2011 at 05:35pm