I Guess I Lied To Myself

So previously I wrote that I was falling for my best friend.
Then later I wrote that I was over that.

Well this is me reversing it once more.

Yeah...I definitely still like my best guy friend.

What kind of sucks is that we're seniors this year. So if I even have that slim chance that it's a mutual like, we can't do too much about it because it's almost certain that we're going to different colleges.

It pretty much stinks.

I guess that's when the whole "best friends stay, boyfriends bail" thing comes in for the better...because if anything bad did happen between us because of a relationship or something..we'd lose the closeness we had in our friendship, which would devastate me.

On the other hand, one of my best girl friends likes her best guy friend also, and she recently was told that he likes her back. Yay, right?? Well, she says it's worse now because she knows he likes her but can't do too much about it because of their parents (or something like that) and the fact that they're not going to the same school next year.

So...do I want to know if he likes me, or not?
Do I want him to like me, or not?

We're probably better as just friends, but I'm never sure about those kinds of things at first.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see.
January 27th, 2011 at 04:58am