General life update stuff


I've been going on the forums a lot recently - goodbye life outside of the Internet, haha. Yeah, so I just want to tell you about my totally normal day because not many people seem to do that in journals.

Stuff I need to do:

1. History essay... about medieval agriculture and enclosure ::dies:
2. Revise for German
3. Finish my artwork
4. Write a one shot about insomnia
5. Physics homework - I didn't write it down so I'll have to ask about it tomorrow
6. Do 50% of my Geography assessment

I'm just too lazy to any of that at the moment so I'm using journalling as a form of procrastination. Yay(!)

Not much really happened today, except I got four vials of blood taken out of my arm. It hurt more than I let my mum know and I felt really light-headed after wards, so my mum bought me some dark chocolate because I love dark chocolate because it is the king (or Queen?) of all chocolate.

Oh yeah, and when I was waiting outside of my English class today during lunch my favourite teacher walked past and tapped my shoulder and waved, it was funny because my friend was jealous. Because we both have the teeniest tiniest crushes on him. Not that anything would ever happen because that would be weird, I just thought it was funny that I kind of... not bragged but was kind of like "Haha, in your face!" to her even though it was for such a stupid reason.

Also, me and my friend Ruth have been arguing incessantly over these guys:


I think that Phil (the black-haired one) is much cuter than the other boy, Dan, and our entire argument has been like this:

"Phil is so much cuter!"
"No, Dan is!"

You get the picture. She decided to write "DAN" in my History book, too. I wrote "Phil" in tiny letters across the side of her book and then she got a big black pen and just scrawled all over mine. We're also spamming up each others Twitter, ahaha.

Procrastination - 1000
Homework - 0

So how was your day?
January 27th, 2011 at 08:32pm