It all comes out at night.

I'm a creep.
(Remember Matteson?)

I'm a bro.
(Fighting over musclyness with Squibby...)

I'm a gaytard.
(Wouldn't know gay if it punched me in the face.)

I'm a qhetto qurl.
(Hold my weave.)

I'm a Bad Girls Club Obsessor.
(Watched it today!)

I'm a loser.
(I want to be in classes for juniors and seniors, and I'm a freshman.)

I'm a paranoid freak.
(What if those creeps down the street are standing outside my window?)

I'm a supressed hipster-slut.
(I like shoes that are flesh colored and look like hooves. And let's booty-shake.)

I'm a jerk.
(You're fat, stupid, and ugly. But I'm kidding. Sorta.)

I'm a flirt.
(Not too good at it, though...)

I'm a talker.
(My favorite topic is ME.)

I'm a jokester.
(Sometimes people think I'm funny, that counts for something.)

I'm a writer.
(It all comes out at night.)
January 28th, 2011 at 01:35am