
Something worth while? hmmm whats worth while that I can put in my journal? Lets see. Hey how about where I am at and how my life is going.... I am in Nashville, TN at the Free Will Baptist Bible College, and my life is going great! Well actually most of it ( I had to run 1.5 miles and with cool weather and exercise induced asthma, that ain't good). My entry has to be 100 words? Well lets see then... oh I know random facts about me. Lol. Idk if this is going to be worth while to any of y'all but hey it is too me.
1. I was conceived through rape
2. I am afraid of stares
3. I hate people mouth germs.. which means I hate washing dirty dishes!
4. I like ice cream
5. I love Popsicles more
6. I want some tea
7. I am from Ohio, but born in Spokane, Washington
8. My favorite colors are green and orange
9. I have worked at The Great Lakes Medieval faire for 8 years now
10. I am a music education major, but I am to scared to perform in front of people
11. I can't sleep with a light on
12. Cheese is good
13. I want pet piranhas
14. I can solve a Rubik's cube
15. I love pokemon, star wars, COD, scyfy, power rangers and more
16. I hate cleaning my room
17. I just took a shower
18. I have a glow in the dark care bear
19. i need to get ready for my Service project
20. Best but definately not least..... I was named after The Little Mermaid :)
January 28th, 2011 at 11:01pm