My life is screwed.

All thanks to this stupid Water Art Invitational.

I never was able to do anything for my IT class before class ended on Tuesday. Surely I thought I would've had time to do it after my exam, apparently not since we had all these fricken snow days.

And just now did I learn that you can only have one entry per catagory. And I have to do two. So, i already did one for graphics, and I sure as hell don't have the time to do anything with painting, nor do I have the supplies. And I don't have a DSLR, and I'd feel horrible if I'd asked my friend if I could use hers. And I've been using her camera a lot lately.

So I went online to go see if my grade in IT could withstand the damage of not turning in the water art for it. I have an 88. And with Midterms coming up, I'm a bit iffy of how well it'll be afterward.

But not only that, but I learned that I have a D+ in APUSH once again. And with midterms, I'm going to get kicked out of the f-cking IT program and sent so some ghetto ass school where I'm pretty sure I could be shot. AND I CAN'T GO THERE.

And if I did, just imagine how badly that would look? Every single f-cking person expects me to be like my brother, not get kicked out of the IT program and sent to some ghetto ass school. And then go on to the best school in the state. But no. I can't do that because of this fucking grade.

And my mom says she understands, but she doesn't. She never will. She never had this type of pressure on her, so how can she say she understands.

So, if I do horribly on this exam, next semister, I'm out of the it program and then next year I'm going to the f-cking school.

The stress to do well is really getting to me. And I do not do well under stress.

I hate my f-cking life. I really do.
January 28th, 2011 at 11:24pm