Okay, here's the deal. [talking about stories, school and how annoyed i am with facebook]

I've honestly not been around much recently. And I really do apologise for that, everything has been such a pain, school and finding work experience, home and my monster, and then finding time to write on top of that.

I've just not been on here as much as I'd want to be. Which is actually a lie, because I've been logged in and everything. But I've just not been getting away from the My Mibba page very much.
I'm so sorry. I really am. :/

I miss you all.

School is just turning into a pain, betweenhaving to be up at 7am, projects, homework, and everything else that goes with it. And then getting dragged away every weekend does not help.

I wish I could go back to two years ago. Summer 2009 was like, amazing for me. I had the best friends I could ever wish for, even though I totally didnt realise that until we got seperated. I didn't have to put up with "the monster" (I'll explain that in abit.) Things were just so much better.


So, "the monster" is the woman formerly called my grandmother. It's kind of hard to explain this, because I dont think I've ever gotton to explain this to someone before they immideatly assumed that I'm a horrible child who should be shot.

The Monster, is evil. She's abusive (verbally, occasionally physically) and for the past year and a half, I've had to deal with her constantly picking on me. Blames me for everything. And because she's 80, everyone assumes that she's telling the truth. Like the time I "tried to kill her" (I didn't I swear, I have better things to do than while away my twenties in prison) everyone believed that I tried to strangle her. Because she's an adult, and children are not to be trusted.

And it's getting to the point now, where people on my mams side of the family(usually the better side) are beginning to take her side in things. Though not so badly...

I'm the liar. I'm the abuser. I'm the attempted murderer.
The sun shines out her arse, and she'd never hit a kid.... (lie, she hit me.)

And you see, I can talk about this all I like. But in the end, everyone will take her side. Because I cant properly explain the crap she puts me through to someone who doesnt have to live with her... And you guise can say what you think, but when ye walk a mile in my shoes you'll know how I feel. (Feel fair lame writing that)


About Operation Warren.
I am writing, just really really slowly because of everything that's going on. I hope to good god to get you all an update by the end of next week.
*fingers crossed*


Is it being glitchy for anyone else?
Like really f*cking glitchy?
It's getting to the point where I'm not getting notifications, it's weirding out my posts. Hiding pics I've uploaded. I'd almost consider deleting it, but I dont want to. If it doesnt fix soon. There will be murder.

Anyway kidds. That was an update on my life atm.
Hope you're doing well.
Love you,

January 29th, 2011 at 01:45am