Dear Nicole,

I'm so sorry about so sorry. You will never know just how horrible I feel... but I don't want you to think there's a lot of things wrong with you...because there's not. Really, honestly, there isn't at all. In fact, though you may have a few flaws, which everyone does, they just add to the list of things that are amazing about you:
1. Kind
2. Caring
3. Loyal
4. Fun
5. Sweet
6. Smart
7. Daring
8. Trusting
9. Forgiving, maybe a tad too forgiving, but it just means that you care a lot.
10. Different
11. Goofy
12. Talented
13. Adorable
14. Potential to be something even greater
15. Beautiful inside and out
16. Not full of yourself
17. Amazing writer, always able to express what you're feeling
18.Adorably stubborn
19. Your smile
20. Your eyes
21. Your laughter
22. The way you hug people
23. How animated you can be
24. your shyness
25. Your strength to be who you want to be
26. The fact that you care even after people fuck up
27. How you stayed after these past four days
28. Your lovingness, even towards Jesse. ( :/ )
29. Your uniqueness
30. How you sleep
31. The way you get excited over small simple things
32. How beautiful you sing
33. Creating a suicidal hamburger cupcake with me :)
34. Your love for horror movies, no matter how stupid they are
35. Your amazing heart
36. The way you hide your face in the morning because you look "ugly" even though you look just as beautiful, if not more.
37. Though you may blow things out of proportion, it's alright, because you're only demonstrating how it effects you inside
38. Completely irreplaceable to your friends, even if some prick can replace you without even blinking an eye
39. The way you speak your mind all the time when your angry
40. The way that you are not fat, ugly, and annoying
41. How much you're worth to people in their hearts, even if you can't see it
42. The way you love your family and friends even though you have been hurt
43. How much you love animals
44. Your adorable button nose :3
45. Your sense of humor
46. Narcissism, though can be perceived as a horrible quality, is shown beautifully on you when it comes through
47. The way you aren't afraid to have your own style no matter how much people hate it
48. Your unwillingness to back down from your beliefs
49. How music is a remedy to make your feel better
50. You're too good for anyone
51. You kick ass at joke dancing
52. Unusual
53. Awesome
54. ambitious
55. confident
56. Amusing
57. Protective
58. Witty and Wild
59. Lovable
60. fantastic
61. Courageous
62. Gentle
63. Sincere
64. Sensitive
65. Patient
66. Compassionate
67. Imaginative
68. Your personality
69. A very optimistic pessimist
70. Unselfish
71. Strong willed
72. Insanely crazy
73. Tough but passionate
74. Impatient in an adorable way
75. Creative
76. Geeky
77. Real
78. Just yourself
79. Simply, and whole heartily amazing
80. No matter what I say, you are not an idiot or a stupid bitch. You are perfect Nicole.
January 29th, 2011 at 01:47am