How to contact your favorite author :-)

Heyy guys if you guys want updates on my sotries check my


If you guys just want to say hi add me on Facebook

I have a Quizilla I'm barely on it though
Username: Sjbgurl107

Twitter: xXxAnaliaxXx

My Formspring:

Myspace (not even on this xD)

Alright guys this is it :-)

I want to make another account on a website but I'm so internet inept I have no clue what else is out there so how about you guys send me messages letting me know ok :-)

Not a very interesting Journal but I felt like I should do it because I have had people send me messages asking if I have any of the above websites so I felt liek just making a journal and putting it all in instead of messaging different people back :-)

Last Journal unless I really do have something important to say :-)
January 30th, 2011 at 06:20am