HAHAHAHA! I'm EXCITED! :D (+questions maybe?)

Sooooo... yesterday... I was talking to my mom about the camera I wanted... and how I found some sites where the camera was only like $448 and she'd only have to pay like $124.... so, she looks on Dell, which has the Canon EOS Rebel XS for $499... and she said that she was just going to check it out... so she does all this stuff.... and it comes to about $600+....

And she buys it.

And I only had $274 to contribute (which I'm now considering taking my $4 back so I can use it for x-mas presents...)

And like the night before, I was like hellbent (is that a word since I do use it a lot...) on getting a sony... for like $349.... and I looked at the reviews and they were all good... until I came across one... and it said something about corrosion damage...and stuff... so I looked it up on google... and so apparently Sony cameras have problems with corrosion damage, they have bad customer service... and the warranty doesn't cover corrision damage... So, I decided on getting a canon, even if it did mean waiting like ages more till I got the money (well, as of two nights ago~)! xD

BUT I'M GETTING A CAMERA!! It may not be that $1,533 one... but it's STILL A DSLR AND I'M FRICKEN EXCITED!!!

I couldn't stop thanking her.

But I did tell her that it would've been better if I had another trip to Japan... haha, like that'd ever happen. D:

But still. I'm getting my first DSLR, and it's coming Wednesday! :D THE LAST DAY OF MY FRICKEN EXAMS! :D And now I won't have to borrow my best friends camera! :)

So yeah. :]

But now, that I'm getting that camera, I need to think of 2 things:

1. A username for my new deviant art account (since photosofcake doesn't sound...professional...)

2. An idea or theme for the photoshoot I'm having with my friend.

Both seem to be awfully hard in nature to think of. And yeah. I've been thinking for ages and looking at different things on deviantart to get an idea of the theme and stuff... but I couldn't think of anything. D:

But I'm still excited!

So, my model, she has like reddish hair (idk if she's going to dye it again), but I guess you could say it's like... a burgundy colour? And I think she'll dye it to like thatr red velvet cupcake color? idk. But yeah. And she's really pretty.

That's all I know that could describe her. D:

So yeah. D: Help could be pretty nice!

and for that new deviantart name... maybe Shygirl? (I've been listening to too much Shyboy by Secret) or... maybe Shadygirl? xD I don' know what I'm thinking. D:

But yeah! Questions before I start doing the dance to NU ABO? :D

1. Any suggestions on what my new devianart name should be? Or do those names sound good?
2. Any ideas on what theme or idea I should use for my first photoshoot? (And there is still some snow outside...)
3. how has your...5 day weekend been... if you had one...since I did....?
4. Take your midterms yet?
5. Do you know any tips or anything for like photography? :D

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll continue to procrastinating on my English homework/classwork...
January 30th, 2011 at 06:30pm