I dreamt something, and I don't know where I got it from. [[Michael Bublé]]

It felt really familiar, it all started with me, floating like some omni-ish person in the air, and I saw the whole scene from the sky. It was this woman, she was apparently going to be killed/destroyed/thrown in some kind of prison. This dictator-person had said she should be damned, because she went against him. This was like medieval time, they were on horses and stuff. So they came riding over this bank of really white sand, or really yellow snow. And they carried/dragged the woman. And there was a cliff, that was so tall that you could hardly see the bottom, and then she was thrown out over the edge. You can see the landscape, like in the Pirates of the Caribbean, you know, where Jack is. With his crabs :P

So she spent some time down there, because she survived the fall, because it was like they never died down there, it was a constant. But there was no water, no food and no other people. Still as I understood it, several people were down there. But it was like they were living in different dimensions of each other, and just walked right by one and another.

Then for a complete weird momento, she was swimming in water, this makes noooo sense at all, so I'll skip the details.

Then there is blur...and then somehow she had managed to get up, and off course the evil guys were there, and a major battle started, and she crawled, because now the yellow snow was really slippery, and it fell from under her, into the abyss. And she managed to drop alot of those bad men in there, and then she fell. And I see her falling over the edge, but there is this voice in me screaming...There will be something under there, to catch her.

The End....

And Michael Bublé is the effin sh*t...:D Cry me a river is like the best song ever when he sings it! :P
January 30th, 2011 at 10:39pm