Decisions, decisions, decisions. [an opinion on a short piece please]

"People face decisions every day. Some, infact most choices they make without even considering it, "apple or orange", "this or that?". Simple everyday choices, that make absoloutly no difference to life. But then you come to those decisions, the ones which require far more consideration. The ones where you have to weigh up the pros and cons of each option. The ones that keep you up at night.

And then, there are the decisions that surprise you. The ones you think should be hard to decide on. That should keep you up at night debating with yourself. But they're not hard. And they don't keep you up all night. The answer to these dawn clear to you almost as soon as the choice is given. As if they were as simple as the "apple or orange" question. Because in all honesty, you knew there was no chance of you choosing that other option..."

I wrote this in an English essay, the title we were given was "A hard decision I had to make." and to be honest. I have never had to make a really hard decision. So I kind of made something up, it's based on a dream really. And I was wondering what you think of what I just wrote?

Do you think it's well written? Or is it like, really bad?

Anyway, I'll hopefull be getting an update to Operation Warren up during the week. You should all go and read it here.

Anyway kids, I love you all.
January 31st, 2011 at 12:10am