School Dances: Lame or Game?

Last night was the Winter Ball at a highschool some of my friends go to.

I spent about two hours shopping for a dress, half an hour doing hair and makeup and then another half an hour driving there. Was it worth it? Yes, in my opinion. It was thrilling and exciting and funny and worth it. This morning I was on facebook and some girls were complaining saying "I got all dressed up and for what? I can do that at home!" or "Urgh, no guys asked me to dance with them! So boring!" I didn't dance with any guys and just spent the whole time with my friends and it was amazing.

So, could you share your infinite Mibba wisdom with me?

1.) Are school dances worth it?
2.) Do you need to dance with a guy to have a good time?
3.) When was the last time you went to a dance and was it a bust or a hit?
4.) If you could change one thing about the dances what would it be (eg. music, time, dress, ect)
January 31st, 2011 at 03:28am