Louise gets hacked numerously and suctacularly

Hey so i just realised that i put up a journal once then pissed off and never wrote another one haha.

So have you ever noticed, that when you really want something to happen it never does?
That's what i experience a lot of the time. For example, my sister and i have been like oil and water ever since i could walk,talk and argue back, still

***louise got hacked for not paying attention by chelsea mwa hahahahaahhahahaha***

ugh as i was saying :p. Still even though we are like oil and water i always hope that we will get along, but it hasn't happened yet, in fact I'm starting to just give up and think it never will.

Right now I am as bored as hell because i have a short attention span and i'm listening to this guy sing eminem and trying not to laugh. Now he is rapping...........

*****Eminem sucks***********(hacked by chelsea...AGAIN)

Two times in one journal entry? this is ridiculamus (my awesome word dis it and i kill you)

Btw seeing as when i came on my mibba i noticed i haven't updated since october (eesh) I am going to get my lazy butt into gear and write something, even if it sucks.

******CHELSEA INVASION.... LOUISE stop being lazy! u have good poems so click the UPDATE button! as god i command you!***************

Okay seriously...this is getting craptacularly sucky. Before big bum can hack me again i'm going to finish.

Talk to you later :D

*****i don't have a big bum... just big thighs***************
January 31st, 2011 at 05:52am