Something that will never cease to amaze me; Rudeness

Now, don't get me wrong, I can be pretty damn rude, but it's usually in a joking manner, followed by a passing apology of sorts.

But let me tell you a story.

Nearly 5-6 months ago, my then close friend and I had a falling out. I'm not really sure what the cause of it was, it could have been her lack of enthusiasm towards any sort of friendship, or maybe it was my fascination with WWII, but either way, the friendship dropped like a fly.

This person had been in my life for several years, we had grown close (something that is rare for me), and knew everything about each other. Mutual 'soulmates', in the most non-romantic way possible. After this falling out, I told her, "Well, I'll still be here if you ever want to come back, or just need someone to talk to."
6 months pass, Christmas passes, New Years passes, and it's January 1, 2011.

I decide to break the barrier, and send her a message.

I promptly found her on Facebook, and though we weren't friends on there, sent her a message.
I asked her how she was doing, how her Christmas was, and her New Years. I asked if everyone in her family was well, as I had known one of her grandparents were ill. I asked her how school was going, because she'll be graduating college this spring, and I was wondering if she had any possible job prospects. I wished her well, and told her I'd hope to hear from her.

Nearly a month later, to this day, no reply. Not even so much as a single, "Hey, fuck off. I told you I didn't want to talk to you". I took the time to send her a message, see how she was, at least get some feedback into the life of my supposed now 'enemy', but I see no point in calling her that, though it seems she begs to differ.

For someone that apparently meant so much to her (myself), and someone that she shared absolutely everything with, you'd think she could muster up a short reply. Even a 4 letter reply would work.

Alas, nothing.

I suppose in this day and age, 'friendship' is overrated. Because no matter how much you once meant to someone, once that tightly woven knot is severed, you're forgotten.
January 31st, 2011 at 08:04am