My Very long Social Studies nastolgia


Here’s the thing guys. I have a ninja INSIDE OF MY TUMMY. And he is mean. And has knives which he uses quite frequently to jab the inside of my stomach with. Hell yes it hurts.

On other terms currently, Shamarye is pissing me off. Like he keeps reading this over my shoulder and touching my things (Which I hate) plus it is my girly time so I really wouldn’t think twice about stealing the scissors in Bryanna’s had she is using and use them myself to try and chop out his eyes. Just saying. It is taking my full restraint.

In fact, he knows right now of this plan because he is READING OVER MY EFFING SHOULDER GODAMMIT.

Boy wore purple today. Not even black. And not even a t shirt. A purple freaking button up that he didn’t button up with something white underneath it. Maybe it is a cosmic sign that he and I are not meant to be. Purple. Hah. (Not that I would have a problem if he died his hair purple. That would be quite nifty actually.)

So I’m typing all of this in social studies right now because a) I have to it being on my schedule and all, and b) I am done with all my work for the next like three days so I have nothing to do. This class is actually okay, because Mr. Madsen is pretty laid back about basically everything and me and Boy are like the first people done with things because all of the work is moderately easy. (Read; Easy for us but not for everyone else.) Bryanna’s usually done too and maybe a couple other people. I mean this is the only class where I actually have the chance to write Fish-wise or other-wise. Ha.

I finally got some new eye liner at Target on Saturday so I feel pretty okay look wise too. I mean I have a couple little breakout spots right now, but other than that I think I look alright. I haven’t seen my hair since it was wet after my shower this morning and now it 3rd period but I think we’re okay.

I have PE next period. With Kadence yay. Bry and Boy and some other peoples I love are in the gym too, but they have Mr. Hayes instead of Ms. Neirmon like us. And that’s all good. I can still see Brish in the locker room and stuff like Ginger last year and I can see other people when we do stuff together I guess.


Ignore me I’m just in a pissy mood right now.

Damian: I have so noticed. *My gorgeous and annoying imaginary friend*
Sarah: Ugg. Go away. PMSing. So don’t need you to do that.
Damian: *Looking dashing and also annoying as hell* you always need me.
Sarah: No. No, not really. *Rolling her eyes.*
Damian: Come on. You know you want me to be real so I can sweep you off your feet and make pretty Emo babies with you.
Sarah: As true as that maybe… Go Away.
Damian: No.
Sarah: Then become real?
Damian: No.
Sarah: Okay see. See that? That is why I don’t like you. You can’t give a little and then take it all away. Not. Fair.
Damian: Life isn’t fair.
Sarah: Like you would know. You’re imaginary.
Damian: Omigawd. Don’t even. Don’t even hate on me.
Sarah: Spare me. Also, die in a pit.

So yes. That would be my mood right now. Damian is even being mean to me. *Sigh.*

It’s the beginning of the second semester which basically means that my life as a 7th grader (Thank God.) is half over. I am feeling very nostalgic about this however and don’t really know what to feel. I shall split my personalities.

Lissyette: Aww. You’re growling up and stuff. *She’s crying but pretending not too.* That means soon you’re going to be an 8th grader and you’ll be the one you were so freakin’ afraid of just last year. And then you’ll be in high school and you’ll do all the important stuff like losing your virginity and stuff.

Damian: Hah. You’re sad. That’s funny. Maybe we should slash our wrist together than make out?
Fish: Glub.
Essence: I know what we can do. Save the world. And hate people. At. The. Same. Time.
Lissyette: You wouldn’t hate me would you? *tearing up again.*
Damian: Essence! Don’t make Lissy cry you dumb ass! Lissyette we love you. Always. Wanna write emo poetry and post it on the internet with me?
Fish: Glub.
Essence: Can I come? We can paint our toe nails purple while we do it?
Sarah: I just want to point out that this has nothing to do with being half way done with my middle school life.
Essence: I know. But don’t you want purple toe nails. It’ll match Boy’s Shiiirt! *sing song*
Damian; It’ll match his shit? Sarah! You like a Boy who shit’s purple??!
Lissyette: *laughing* Hahaha. No! His shirt is purple.
Damian: Oh. That’s lame. It should be black.
Lissy: I like purple.
Sarah and Essence: We don’t.
Damian: 3-1. You’re out numbered Lissy. Black wins.
Lissyette: *Cries*
Sarah and Essence: Dumb ass.
Fish: Glub.

It’s is a much better way to live when you have friends that actually live inside your head. It may not be healthy, but it sure as hell is fun.

I better post this on Fish now… It takes like forever to load up on the school system.

February 1st, 2011 at 02:06am