Yesterday, Bright Eyes, and I don't really know what else

Has anyone ever been really alone and started narrating what they were doing to themselves? And then it sounded book-worthy but later when you went to write it down you forgot? I hate that yet I think its fun to narrarate what your doing and thinking as your doing it. I migh be alone on this, hey it wouldn't be the first time. I am sorta a loner I've learned and I never like to shut up. I go around and tell the world all of my problems/the doubts I have about myself hoping someone will care enough to fix/prove my doubt wrong. I think he reason why I doubt myself is to be reassured by others that I'm good at what I do. Last night I was listening to a song called "waste of paint" by Bright Eyes (a.k.a the best band Ever) And I found this quote that I'm going to say anytime someone complements me. " you have poor eyes, your blind you see, nothing beautiful could ever come from me." At least it went something like that, I'm not 100% sure on this but it meant a lot to me.

I now really want to go to a Bright Eyes show and thankfully I might be able to if I buy he tickets fast because Bright Eyes is so amazing that 5 shows are already sold out. Hmm... And I wrote a letter to my science teacher and asked him to write back. He said he'd have to type back though... Yesterday we figured we had no school for today (we don't) so we asked him if he wanted school to be closed and he said yea. So I said " then you can have all day to write back." he replied sorta sarcastically " I know right!" because he knew he was goof to be too busy. Stupid school systems making teachers work extra hard.

Also yesterday I had no guitar lessons which kinda sucked because I had a lot I wanted to talk about but I guess that's how life goes.... Anyway sorry I'm just going on and on. So... I'm going to like end now I guess.
February 1st, 2011 at 04:05pm