The ghost in my house.

I know I've already written about this but I'm going to write about it again.

The ghost in my house. It stole my ring while I was taking a shower. I looked all over the bathroom for it, then in my bed thinking it may have came off while I was sleeping. It wasn't anywhere in my house. I figured that my mom just put it somewhere when I was getting ready for school and forgot to tell me she put it up. She didn't touch it.

So that was a Wednesday, Saturday comes rolling along and I am a very lame person and had nothing to do but catch up on my week's worth of homework. As I was doing my homework I was listening to music on my phone. There was a song I didn't like so I set my pen down and started looking through my playlist. I got a weird feeling and looked up. Sitting by the pen I was just using was my ring! The hair on my arms and the back of my neck stood up. I grabbed the ring and ran into my parents room to tell them what just happened. They were amazed.

Now, that isn't the scary part of our new friend joining my family. My mom was alseep and my dad was laying in bed when he hears my dog's tennis ball bouncing up and down around the sides of the bed. He said it went on for a couple of minutes before the tennis ball flew uphit the back of the wall behind his bed and land inbetween him and my mom. He lifted his head to see at the bottom of the bed the covers start going down like someone is getting on the bed. He see the knee prints and the hand prints make their way inbetween my parents, grabthe ball and get back off the bed. My dad aloud says 'okay, but if your going to play in here keep it down." And he didn't here anything else.

That gave me goose bumps just writting about it.

Now all I can think about is wanting to go out and buy a ouija board to see if it can or will talk to me. I'm not afraid, it hasn't hurt me or my family and I don't feel bothered by it being here. I think of it more as it is trying to keep me company when I am alone.
February 1st, 2011 at 07:16pm