Sober & Fatter & Peas & Pears

Not drinking, means getting fatter. For real though... :/ Need starvation now, happy with how little I ate today. That feels really lame to say. But it's true. Complicated and lame. Issues and stupid things like these are things I'd rather leave behind me, but alas - I am to weak to just drop it and move on. I really wish I was.

Stay on topic, stay on topic....

Peas, not the same as peace. HAH, reminds me, many Norwegians don't really know the difference. One pea. Hiihii :P

Pear; best shizz in the mattafakkings world :D One of the best things, but we do like peaches and apricots as well :D
February 1st, 2011 at 08:14pm