Don't you know you'll never ever want to turn back?

I think I might want to start posting here again, but the thing is that I really don't know what this site is even like anymore. Do people still like fanfiction? I guess that it's pretty much a given that people still like fanfiction. I mean, as long as there is something to be a fan of people will write about it. But then there's the fact that I was never able to write about anyhing other than Simple Plan when it came to fanfiction. I don't really know why, it's just the way it is. so I guess the question is actually: do people still like Simple Plan? or, do people still like to read about Simple Plan?

I really miss the old days. Back in 2008, with Nikki, Isa, Molly, Lorelai and all the others. Somehow it always mattered to me what they thought, even though I didn't even know what they looked like. But it didn't matter, we were all there to support each others stories, and that was all that mattered. I wonder if I'll ever have that again. Someone to push me to write, because I promised them a new chapter.

So I guess in conclusion, even though I once again, like always, strayed from my point; Are there still people on this site who reads sp fanfiction? And should I tart posting again?
February 1st, 2011 at 11:27pm