You don't really know a person till you get a chance to cry with them

I always thought my pilates teacher was interesting. I take private classes and clean her studio for a discount. I get a lot out of it and I really really enjoy them. She's really fun to talk to.

My parents told me I couldn't take it anymore because it was too expensive. I understood I guess...but they spend 600 a month on my sister's ballet classes and even more on summer programs. This is the only thing I ask them of.

I talked to my teacher about it and she was very understanding, saying that maybe if ever she has a dead hour I can pay half of my already discounted price.

Then I ended up crying to her about all the things I've been going through - Elin moving to sweden, pregnant, Taylor in rehab, Janina screaming at me for her imperfections in dance and the lack of comfort and trust I've been experiencing ever since Taylor went away.

She was so sweet. She told me all the best qualities about me: how mature I am, how realistic I am and how caring I am. She's a ballet teacher for my sister and she said if ever I needed a place to stay I could live with her which is rare because she hates living with people. And she said she couldn't say that to Janina.

She just reminded me how well liked I am, talking to me about higher powers and my beliefs, where I wanted to go and the obstacles that faced me. I hear a lot about how she's close minded and pretentious but close minded is false. She will listen and she's so experienced emotionally and physically that pretentious is true.

Taylor is allowed 7 minute phone calls a night but nobody weas counting his minutes so we talked for 12. He's all I need and everything I miss. This is our anniversary :) I might go down to visit him next weekend when I figure out a plan. I would like that a lot.

I feel a lot better now...I think I may write.

Comment swap for Complete Serenity, Shake Down or Come Tomorrow? <3
February 2nd, 2011 at 06:07am