
... Let's see:
There's no school because of weather issues, I am currently sick, and I feel horrible.
My stomach hurts, I cough a lot, all I want to do is sleep, and I have a head ache.
Wow, really awesome life I worked up.. I have completely nothing to do, 'cept lie in bed and pour my heart's content in journals.

This morning I woke up at 3 pm, and apparently I slept little naps. I would wake up, and then fall asleep again, and then I'd wake up once more and etc.
I don't usually get sick that much, but maybe its stress? I mean, I have an upcoming test, and I really don't wanna fail. I need to go to this gifted school! If I fail this, I'm dead. I will NEVER forgive myself for being dumb, NEVER.

I did IQ tests, and I got 132. Meh, I'm not terribly gifted, just good enough. I suppose I'll have to work harder than ever to get the marks for gifted school. I mean, I suppose I produce better work when the work is normal. Normal school work, that is. But, I'm not really good with tests...

This guy, well he's kinda my friend.. Anyway, he's better in major tests, than normally. So, since the school's looking for people who done well in that test, he got in, but he doesn't get good marks on his report card or normal work.. Don’t ask me how I know.. I just know.

So, I didn't do as well on that major test, than the other huge test, so I have yet to do another test..

Well, everybody performs the test, but since my teacher says I do good work outside of that major test, I could get in IF I pass this other test.

Man, I was really stressed out... He even told me not to be nervous, but I can't really help it.. It's sort of an automatic reaction, you know?
I feel so miserable.. I just hope I can pass that test.. No, it did not start yet, but I might inform you if it did.
So, wish me luck!
P.S My teacher's a guy, so yeah.
February 2nd, 2011 at 05:03pm