what really is love

people say they 'love' without even knowing the true meaning of love. they may believe they feel love and they may but there's only one true love for every person in this world. you may not find that one person but hopefully you get really close. my mom and sister say I'm lucky because I've already found my love at a young age. love just isn't being there for a person practically 24/7 it's standing by there side through thick and thin. knowing that everything will be fine in the end even though everything is bad right now. when you love someone you practically miss that person every second they are gone... unless you're distracted. you might not want to admit it but everyone knows the feeling of love. maybe not in this life time but trust me your soul has felt love before. love i being with one person and not wanting to feel any other emotion than happiness. the moments you spend with the person you love will never feel like enough even if you spend hours cuddling and kissing. love is built off your first kiss no matter how unexpected to the day you die even if you don't stay with that person. a part of every person you've given love to will stay in your heart forever. don't let the perfect love go just because your being pressured into it or your scared of the relationship. true love is rarely found in the world now-a-days but it doesn't hurt to look. never think there's no one out there for you because in reality there is and that person is looking for you.
February 2nd, 2011 at 07:46pm