50 Things About itsmebitches!

I'm not sure what to say; maybe an about me kinda thing? How about 50 things about moi?! Yeah...(: Okay, here goes--


1. My favorite color is purple, and it always will be!

2. I ? Anime! Probably my favorites are Naruto, Fruits Basket, Vampire Knight, and many more!!

3. The kind of music I absolutely ADORE! is alternative and metal. All the way Bring Me The Horizon, Blood On The Dance Floor, NeverShoutNever!, Bullet For My Valentine, and god the list goes on and on!

4. I'm like a wall, most people say. What they see on the outside is what they think they see, but what's on the other side is really me. Only a few people know what's on the other side of the wall. </3

5. I've felt love before. Most people say that's never true at my age, but I have true chemistry with this guy...

6. Which leads me to #6. I'm a true sucker for romances! When I start posting stories, they'll probably most likely be romance :3

7. Possibly I might be the biggest nerd in my grade! I freaking get in trouble for reading (yeah, not talking but reading!) in class!! 8)

8. Eight is my favorite number in the whole world!! Except I hate 88...which is kinda weird. xD

9. My BIGGEST pet peeve is probably when people are eating and they scrape their teeth against the fork *shudders* GAHH I HATE THAT!! >.<

10. Number ten...Hmm I remember I never thought I would ever have my 10th birthday when I was little! Hahh....

11. I have twin sisters!! They're officially 3 months now! ? They're my little lovelies; Vivian Marie and Violet Grace.

12. All in all I have 5 siblings!! If you don't think thats enough, I know a guy that has NINE FREAKING SIBLINGS!! :O Omg...

13. Everyone has friends right? Hahh, of course! I love my friends, they're like my life (besides music 8D)

14. From the ages of 8-12 every single Christmas I got sick either on the Eve or the day! And like so sick it hurt to move *ugghh*

15. Since my mom's Spanish (even though I look more European than anything!! xD) she wanted me to have a Quinceanara instead of a Sweet Sixteen! Didn't happen though....

16. Personally, I don't really see the point in Sweet Sixteens, since we're on #16!

17. Oh, I also have an account on Wattpad.com as itsmebitches!! <--Lol

18. Like everyone, I can't wait till I'm 18 years old!!

19. It might seem bad, but when I was really little I used to test all the finest wines and nicest beers! Hasn't everyone done the pinky taste? *silence* Alrighty then....

20. Ahh! #20 already *woot woot*! Twenty? I guess I should tell you that I've ridden AND taken care of horses a few times!! It's awesome, go try it!

21. The drinking age; even though I already have! (Refer to #19)

22. When my mother was 22 years old she had moi!! :D You can guess my mother's age then...Hahh your welcome mother!

23. There's this little place down where I live (by the river, under a rock...) that's like a hall. I remember from FOREVER AGO that I had a dream that my parents were back to gather and we were celebrating their reunion there! Kinda creepy, eh?

24. That leads me to my parents are divorced, like plenty of peoples! But it's funny 'cause they're like bffs! No joke! :P

25. I know how to play the clarinet, keyboard, and very roughly drums! Hooray for intstruments!

26. I've been in band and chorus when I was in middle school! Though I never wanted to go into orchestra....

27. What do I wanna be when I grow up? A pharmacist!! :D Yeah, nerdy I know...

28. That also leads me to the various things I've wanted to be. I've wanted to be an astronomist, cardiologist, and a zooligist. When I was like in 4-8 grade I thought about doing that!! Haha, geez I am a big nerd...

29. Favorite holiday? Christmas. I don't see how ANYONE could hate Christmas!! Presents, joy, snow...I love all those things!!

30. My favorite season? Probably autumn or winter! People say I'm crazy, but I hate the sun and the heat and ugh! It just sucks, alright?!?

31. Profile? I have long brown hair, hazel eyes, pale skin, freckles, and yeah. I'm not gonna tell you I have nice boobs or something 'cause that's creepy! o.O

32. I'm not gonna lie, I eat food! *Wow* And some of my favorites are strawberries, and PB&J's, and mac and cheese...I'm pretty easy to please on that level!

33. But I'm not easy to please in personality. It's hard for me to open up, I always feel like I'm gonna be let down or something. You can't blame me, it's happened too many times to just look past....

34. Everyone says I'm extremely cynical, like it's a disease!! Hahh, I guess I can agree...(:

35. Writing and music are my passion! I love writing, even though I'm not that great...And music? I think I would kill myself without it! No joke. :|

36. Actually, I like school! Sure, you have to get up super early and do homework, but it's actually not that bad! But perhaps it's because I see my crush there? ?

37. So I guess you should know, me and my crush have "chemistry". Everyone says we're "made for eachother" or something like that! I'm not sure though....

38. I've never had a boyfriend, or a first kiss, or anything like that. It's overrated, and NO I don't say that because I've never experienced it! I just think people get too worked up over having your first kiss or experiencing a boyfriend...*sigh*

39. People ask this question a lot; Do you believe in love at first sight? Well...I'm not sure. :/ I've liked a lot of guys from a far, but when I meet some of them either I feel it or I don't. So I guess not? (:

40. I'm scared to turn the age of 40!! I mean, it's far, far away, but still! It just seems scary to be so...old. *shudders* Lol

41. My favorite TV shows are "1,000 Ways To Die", "Pretty Little Liars", "MAD", "Adventure Time!", and "The Regular Show". Baha, probably my fave though is Adventure Time! What time is it?! ADVENTURE TIME!!!

42. Apparently (apparently, I'm not sure though..) I'm hilarious! I like it when people laugh and smile, so I guess that's why I try to make them laugh!! :D

43. I have some crazy friends! One's a hippie, another's scene, and one's even emo! People categorize me as "alternative" because I don't fit anything..o.O

44. The ultimately most awesome store in the whole world is none other than Hot Topic!!! (: Period.

45. I don't share much personal information like where I live and full name, though if you ask I'll most likely answer anything!

46. Ooh my friend just thought of this one; Am I bit, gay, straight? Straight all the way! I'm not exactly "curious" to kiss a girl, so yeah. Sorry? Hahh.

47. Like others, I have tons and tons of family!! Cousins and uncles and aunts, oh my! Heehee.

48. Forty-eight is my second favorite number, if you'd like to know!!! :D

49. I'm just gonna say, if you've read up to this point, message me!! I think I'll praise you for the rest of my life for being the most awesome person in the whole freaking world!! Okay, lemme just tell you I'm a virgin...O:

50. AAAND last thing; I'm not fake. Never have been, never will be. Got it?! Not a poser, not a faker, only me. 100% strong.


So that's it!! If as I said on #49, if you have I swear I will!! Every time I log on, EVERY SINGLE TIME! Love you lots, XOXO
February 3rd, 2011 at 03:51am