
I have this voice in my head that is telling me that just not being here would be so much easier. I mean my dad would never have to pay child support again and he can go on having his little family with me not there, like he even knows that I am there. Then again I think that the only person who would even care if I am gone is my mom.

People tend to forget the dead once they are gone so if I am already forgotten wouldn't it just be easier not to be here.

Ok so I went off and sounded like it was a suicide note on here but it really isn't. I am just venting but I just feel like i don't matter to anyone. I just feel so small and unimportant when it comes to those people around me.

I do tend to have thoughts about making myself wreck my car, but that's just to dumb. Then there are those thoughts about cutting myself and well I think that if I eased my way into it then yeah I would do it. But you know it scares me that those thoughts are even there....
February 3rd, 2011 at 06:54am