'11-year-old overprivileged brats'

I was reading the article, 'My Chemical Romance Lash Out at 'Overprivileged' Fans', and Frank Iero called them '11-year-old overprivileged brats' and I completely agree with him. I mean, if you really love something then you would do anything for that thing.

In this case it's My Chemical Romance. I've got tickets to see them in Nottingham and that's nowhere near to where I live, but, I've manged to get transport there. You shouldn't care where they are because if your a fan then you'll see them anywhere!

I think this goes for everything though; I doesn't matter how far away something is, you always have a way to see that thing. I think that's something we should remember.

If I'm honest with you, I don't think Frank could have chosen better words. I would do anything to see MCR. Like if it was they're last show, which I hope isn't for a long time, then I would go half way across the world to see them.

I know it's not that easy, but you can't complain about thing and that they are not coming to your town, because at the end of the day, They're just like me and you. They don't have superpowers that let them teleport anywhere they want.

We all can't have what we want, so suck it up, or at least try and do something about it, Like trying to find a way to get there!

It just proves how much of a fan you are if you say you hate them just because they are not in your city. A lot of people are traveling long distances to see them. If they can, why can't you? Don't sit on your ass and complain when you could do something about it!

It just annoys me such much! They're only human! They can't please everyone! If you love them so much then get in a damn car and go see them!

-OK. Rant over. I also tagged this as Frank Iero is awesome just because he is.

February 3rd, 2011 at 06:54pm