Oh dear. This could get ugly.

So remember how I posted about my friend who likes me?

Now all the rest of my friends think we're dating. A couple (read:one) people have asked me what was going on there (read:nothing) but for the most part, we are the couple of Section M.

We aren't even dating, for chrissakes, and people think we're a couple.

Oh la la la.

There is no bright side here. I don't even have a house for next year.

As it stands right now, I'm going to be squatting in the JDUC for the duration of my stay at university.



I've even told him about Matt Damon, told him that I can't date anyone, and yet he does nothing to remedy this awful little scenette.

Cripes, I think some of his friends saw us cuddling at that was it.


We don't even cuddle anymore! Because it's just awkward!

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, shot myself in the goddamned eye.

Martino, you need to get down here. I don;t even care if it;s just for the day.
February 3rd, 2011 at 11:12pm